There is nothing more satisfactory than having a good life with a good job, good family, good friends, good days, most of all this last one good days. But what happens when you are constantly trying to make the perfect life, but instead all is falling apart and you just don't know why or how to fix it? Well let me tell you two things, if your are reading the word of God and following his commands and being obedient, this might be a time of learning and a time of more blessings in your life, but if on the other hand you are not close to God the way you want to, this might be God noticing he needs to stretch you in order to get your attention and focus back on him. Lets start with a story about a person who overcame depression and OCD disorder. This person was so proud she decided to obey God and begin writing about it, but then she got caught up in the busyness of life, she stopped writing, then one day she found her self in a deep hole of depression all over again, and did...
When life is perfect or life is hard, it is always beautiful to learn and grow from it. No matter the season we are going through, we can always embrace the present. Focusing on the good, learning from the bad, but most of all being joyful from the heart and that is were we will find our inner strength.