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The power of prayer in your marriage

I can say I am blessed to have been married for almost a decade, wow that sounds like a lot of years, years that have passed by so fast.

I wish I could tell you it has been easy, sorry but no, actually not at all and I am not being negative, is just that there has been so many times when my husband and I have faced really ugly situations.  But hey we are here, God brought us through each and every one of them. I have been a follower of Christ for about 5 years, I still consider myself new in this beautiful journey, I have been able to see how he works in my life, in my marriage and in my role as a mother.

I also wish I could tell you what a great wife, mother and follower of the King I am, but I would be lying.

Instead, I just want to be crystal clear and share with you all my mistakes and how God has taught me so much and how he became the author of all my victories,  he rights my wrongs, he turned the ugliest things into the most beautiful things.

I surely don't want to discourage you, quite frankly is the opposite, I am sharing this with you because I want to encourage you to keep trying, to never give up, God surely did not give up on us, and let me tell you, he had many reasons to do so.

So let's talk about marriage.  Complicated?  If you are married you know what I mean, if you are not this will help you to be ready, I wish someone would have told me that sometimes in marriage you just have to learn how to agree to disagree. In my first years of marriage it was almost impossible for me to try and understand why the man I loved so much and I, would not agree on something.  It just wouldn't make sense, after all,  we got married  because we loved each other, but once living together it was very different.  I mean is obvious,  we were raised by different families,  had different ways of handling things. If you believe you know your boyfriend, let me tell you, you don't, my mom would always tell me. Now I know what she meant. You actually get to deeply know each other once you live together.

Well through all these years I have learned to love my husband  more and  more each day. There is many things that I love about him that I could not count them with my fingers and the things that I don't like are very few that I would have many fingers left.  The truth is that it has been nothing but God. He is the one who guided me into loving him this way, is a different kind of "LOVE" I don't only feel it, I live it, because when there has been times he has made me so angry and I just cannot even look at him, God comes to remind me how I am not perfect and how he too has to put up with many of my mistakes, and how that doesn't change his love for me.

My husband and I went through a very tough season in the winter of 2016, we almost separated, it was then that I believe I was going through the ugliest season  of my life. But God's plans were different then ours, I was able to share my situation with my little sister who is actually my cousin but we grew up together,  she is the one who introduced  me to Jesus. What a beautiful gift she gave me. The best of all, well she ministered me and had a friend who would also encourage me to pray.

I was in  so much pain , the last thing I wanted to do was pray, in  fact, I wanted to leave,  I hated my husband and was deeply hurt, but they kept telling me to wait to just pray everyday and wait for God to answer.  It meant being patient, which is an attribute I have never had. Well they wanted me to ask God to bring  my husband back, they asked me to pray for new "LOVE", What?  New love, from the man who was causing me so much pain?. But I did, I would lock myself in my closet, just like the wife from the movie "War Room" and I would just pray to God, within time I learned to give my pain  to God, it no longer belonged to me, so every time I would pray I would come out of that room less heavy, I asked him for many things, one of them was: God if it is your will for my husband and I to remain  together after all this mess, then let your will be done, but I am going to ask you to give us new love for each other and in that love we will find forgiveness and peace.

It was hard to begin my prayer with thanksgiving which is the key to answered prayers,  but I did, every time I would thank him for something.  "Remember this is an important key to answered prayer".

The first thing I heard from God was to just "LOVE" my husband as if nothing had happened, in fact to love him more than before, to show him forgiveness and kindness.

I could not believe what I was doing! But God showed me that my husband was in pain for what had happened. He just wouldn't admit it. God was doing something  in my heart as a wife, he was teaching me obedience.

You see, it wasn't about me loving my husband more when all I wanted to do was not see him or just leave, it was not about that, it was about me being obedient to the Father in heaven and the blessings that would follow after my act of obedience. So I did as God instructed me, I loved him more than ever and it was hard but I did. I would heat up his car in the mornings, I would write him love notes and put them in his lunch box, I would send him a love text during the day, never again did I bring our bad subject up and I was very patient waiting to see if he would come back to me, in that process without knowing God was restoring my heart and his and a couple of months later we were stronger and very in Love with each other.

This is where I found the power of prayer

Not only did God restore my marriage, he made it fireproof, he made it stronger, he taught my husband kindness through me and he taught me obedience and that there is always more in us then what we believe we can give. He taught me that with an act of obedience a great blessing follows.

After all he is my Abba Father, he knows what is best for me. So what is God asking you to do today? Are you listening? Are you trying? Or is the situation really bad that there is no possible way you could listen, seek him and then pray?

What I just shared with you is only one of many things God has allowed in my life, is only one of many bad situations, I believe he allowed this so I can grow as a person, wife, mother and daughter of the King. You see, it has been hard, but he never promised a life without any problems, what he did promise is that if you seek him and call out to his name he will be there. Psalm 91

When we obey God just because he says so, we will experience his blessings upon our lives. Luke 5: 1-7. You see we must trust in him, even we we don't understand what he is doing in our lives, we must acknowledge him and he will make straight our paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

I believe God has a purpose for each and one of us, for all of those who love him all things work together for good. Romans 8:28 

So don't doubt that he is always working behind the scenes on your behalf,  God is always able, he doesn't fail but we must learn to trust and know his times are perfect,  if your situation is not changing, you need to ask him to help you what see if he wants more from you, maybe he is asking you to do something, are you listening?

For me for so long it was a desire to write and share my story to those who need encouragement, to help others who might be facing the same difficult situations I did,  to not keep all the things he has done for me to myself but to share them with many as possible, to those who don't know him and are looking for something to hold on to. And to let you know he is waiting for you with his beautiful open arms.

I hope this post helped you even if it was just a bit, I pray that many blessings come your way and that if you are facing a difficult time you will find peace and much love in his presence.

Many blessings.

And remember, feel free to leave your comments or any suggestions.


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